1. Deciding on switching to take Journalism at Niagara College next year.
2. Asking my MP Lois Brown to vote yes for Bill C-389 (which she didn't, though the bill did pass the house.) And now, asking some of Ontario's senators to not block this bill, as some have speculated they might. If you want to do so as well, you can find a list of senators here.
3. I joined tumblr! And I'm really enjoying the site, figuring I can do my quicker/lighter blogging there, and keep the longer and more serious stuff here.
4. A friend asked me to help her brainstorm something to deal with the bullying problems in our hometown. I have a few ideas, and I'd honestly love to do something positive right now.
5. Trying to learn more about the Democratic Republic of Congo and Haiti, specifically the issues with rape in their regions, because I have a meeting with Lois Brown to ask about what Canada is doing to help with this issue.
6. Classwork.
7. Still trying to figure out the issue with GRS not being available to offenders. Finally gave up on expecting a response with explanations on how it is legal, asking a human rights group to look into it, I might be submitting a complaint with them. More on that when I have something concrete! Given up on ever, ever getting a concrete answer on the mysterious magically strange problem about how places I'd contacted Minister Toews from couldn't access his website until a bit after I started to ask them about it. I still can't help but wonder what it was. And how no one at his offices knew who his webmaster/it guy was. You'd think someone would have had a contact number in case of technological mishaps. Well, hopefully someone learned from this experience and took a note down to find out who runs their web site.
8. Thinking about going to an counter-protest later this year to a pro-life rally.
9. Met Raven Geary online, witnessed the tumblcreation of Walk For Choice. If you can go to any of them, I urge you to do so!
10. Figured out that I really, really like politics, lol. I just wish that there was more of a chance to do good and see results.
lol, so in summary, this is why I've been posting a bit less. I'll try and post more. :3
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