Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk For Choice 2010

In cities all over, on Febuary 26th, people supporting the right for female-bodied people to choose are going to be gathering and walking to demonstrate. "We have a voice, we have a choice." Is the slogan, orange is the colour, and Chicago is the city that started it all.

In response to the mounting anti-choice legislation cropping up in the United States, Raven Geary decided it was time to make a stand, and started to organize a local gathering to express their concern about their rights, and their commitment to standing up for them. The movement has spread fast, and through the hard work of all the organizers, we are on the brink of a successful event to stand for our right to choose.

Counter-protests have started to be organized in some places, a Texas group outright saying that we 'have no voice'. Only four cities so far have confirmed counter-protests.

Is your city holding a walk? Check here! If not, it's not too late to organize one yourself. I hope to be going to the Toronto Walk, personally.

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